#ACCESS – Reference group in Győr

Workshop meeting

Date: 25 January 2024

Location: Győr

The purpose of the workshop is to provide information and project ideas for the development of the cross-border urban functional area of the city of Győr, as well as to identify the obstacles that make integration difficult. The event is also the opening event of a series of workshops addressing the cross-border urban areas of the Hungarian-Slovak border region.

Planned agenda:


  • Mr Csaba András Dézsi, Mayor of the County City of Győr
  • Mr Gábor Mayer, State Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development of Hungary
  • Mr Michal Kaliňák, State Secretary, Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Information Technology, Slovakia (tbc)

Professional program

Introductory presentations:

  • Mr Gyula Ocskay, Secretary General of CESCI: brief presentation of the #ACCESS project
  • Mr Mátyás Jaschitz, director of CESCI: Presentation of the cross-border functional urban area of the Győr based on the background material sent in advance
  • Mr Tamás Németh, director of Arrabona EGTC: Presentation of Arrabona EGTC as a regional development tool


  • Discussing the findings of the background material with the participants
  • Identification of joint development opportunities and projects addressing the urban zone
  • Discussing the obstacles hindering cross-border integration
  • Identification of invitees for further workshops
