Art of Cooperation conference (2024)

We are pleased to announce the next edition of the Art of Cooperation conference, following its successful debut in 2023. Hosted by the Széchenyi Programme Office (SZPO) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Hungary, this time in partnership with the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), the Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), and the Hungarian Development Promotion Office (MFOI), as an official Hungarian EU Presidency partner event, the 2024 conference will focus on the Future of Cohesion Policy, especially on European Territorial Cooperation.

This occasion will also mark the launch of the European Cross-Border Platform, a new initiative of the CoR and its partners CESCI, AEBR and MOT, which brings together actors in cross-border cooperation from across the EU and further, to form a single voice of the cross-border communities at the EU stage.

Join us in Budapest as we bring together participants from all Interreg programmes, regional development experts, stakeholders, decision-makers and researchers from across Europe to explore the most compelling topics for the 2027+ programming period as well as current implementation-related subjects.

The first evening on 13 November will be dedicated to the István Pálfi Award Ceremony, which requires a separate registration. This award aims to acknowledge the work of professionals in cross-border cooperation. On the second day, after the opening keynote speeches and panel discussions, the conference will feature three parallel events in the afternoonInterreg workshops, the CESCI’s sessions on addressing legal obstacles, as well as MFOI’s program, which will offer further insights on regional development, directly managed EU funds, cohesion and competitiveness, reflecting on Hungary’s EU Presidency priorities. The latter is also an official side event of the European Week of Regions and Cities.

For those interested in the border area of Esztergom and Štúrovo, on Friday, a study visit will be provided.

Save the date and be part of shaping the future of the Cohesion Policy, Interreg and cross-border cooperation!

Within the framework of the Art of Cooperation conference, a pivotal event organised for the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Széchenyi Programme Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, in partnership with the European Committee of the Regions, the Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives, the Association of European Border Regions, and the Hungarian Development Promotion Office, CESCI organises a session dedicated to the #ACCESS project. 

The initiative, implemented by CESCI and CESCI Carpathia and co-financed by the Slovakia-Hungary Interreg VI-A program, seeks to facilitate smoother cross-border interactions and promote mutual understanding by identifying and solving administrative and legal obstacles. Attendees of this session will gain valuable perspectives on enhancing legal accessibility and fostering cooperation that enriches the lives of citizens living along the Benelux, Nordic and Slovak-Hungarian border through presenting good practices and models of cross-border management of persisting legal and administrative obstacles. Join us as we work towards a more integrated and cooperative Europe!

Registration is open until 31 October. To register please click the button.


Legal obstacles in EU

November 14. 14.00 – 15.30

The session aims to present existing good practices and models of cross-border management of persisting legal and administrative obstacles. The speakers will present the Benelux and the Nordic models and the project “#ACCESS – Promotion of legal accessibility across the Slovak-Hungarian border” implemented by CESCI and CESCI Carpathia and co-financed by the Slovakia-Hungary Interreg VI-A programme.

Moderator: Melinda Istenes-Benczi PhD, International Relations Coordinator of CESCI

  • Frans Weekers, Secretary General of the Benelux Union (tbc)
  • Sandra Forsén, Senior Adviser of the Freedom of Movement Council of the Nordic Council of Ministers
  • Martin Unfried, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Transnational and Euregional Cross border Cooperation and Mobility / ITEM at the Maastricht University
  • Katalin Fekete, Senior Legal Adviser, CESCI

Towards a new European mechanism

November 14. 16.00 – 17.30

The session aims to give an overview of the efforts made by the European Commission and the EU presidencies to eliminate the legal and administrative obstacles, including the Cross-Border Review project and the Communication “Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions”, the Border Focal Point, the b-solutions initiative, the Interreg Specific Objective 1, and the proposal on a mechanism facilitating cross-border solutions, etc. The speakers will also reflect on the future perspectives of the FCBS proposal.

Moderator: Katalin Fekete, Senior Legal Adviser of CESCI

  • Sławomir Tokarski, Director of the DG REGIO of the European Commission
  • Caitriona Mullan, Senior Expert of the AEBR
  • Jean Peyrony, Director General of the Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière
  • Rafał Baliński, head of department, Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy of Poland


13 October 2024, from 2pm to 5.30pm

Contacts to the organisers


Budapest, downtown (exact venue will be communicated later)