In two years, public transport will link five Hungarian towns with Slovakian cities

23 July 2024

Representatives of Nógrád County, Banská Bystrica County and Volánbusz Ltd. agreed on the launch of bus services connecting Slovak and Hungarian settlements in Salgótarján on 26 June 2024.

Nándor Skuczi, President of the Nógrád County Assembly, Ondrej Lunter, President of Banská Bystrica County in Slovakia, Gábor Tóth, Head of Public Services of the Volánbusz Ltd., Ákos Kameniczky, Director General of Operations of the Volánbusz Zrt. and Radoslav Vavrus, Head of the Banská Bystrica County Transport Management Company, agreed to connect five Hungarian municipalities with Slovakian cities by public transport within two years.

It was the first meeting on the subject where the parties declared their tasks. The meeting is expected to be followed by several workshops to create the conditions for interoperability between the two countries.

The costs of operating the services will be covered by the County of Nógrád and the County of Banská Bystrica. Their long-term goal is also to link the region’s railways and motorways, which would further increase the number of public transport connections between the two countries.

Source of the news in Hungarian

Source of the news in Slovak