Acceptance of certificates from medical examinations

Reported obstacle

Slovak certificates of absence due to specialised medical examination are not accepted at Hungarian workplaces.

Expert answer

Hungarian labour law does not recognise the institution of a one-day medical certificate, which is common in Slovakia. Officially, a Hungarian employer is not obligated to accept a one-day stamped medical certificate of a specialist medical examination for an employee in the framework of an employment contract, neither in paper nor electronic form. The Slovak practice has been communicated to the General Administration Department of the Hungarian National Health Insurance Fund Management. The approximation of the different regulations and practices will be examined at the next revision of the Labour Code. In order to approximate the two practices we will get in touch with the Hungarian and Slovakian contact points of the European Labour Authority (ELA). Considering that the ELA mediates on labour law issues between EU Member States and facilitates the exchange of information between Member States, it is worth asking for their help in dealing with the issue of approximation of divergent rules.