Year of publication: 2024

Language: hungarian, slovak

Author: CESCI, CESCI Carpathia

Background material of reference group of Komárno

The background material for the Komárom reference group meeting, organised as part of the #ACCESS project on February 28, 2024, in Komárno, was prepared to support the discussions focusing on enhancing legal accessibility in the Slovak-Hungarian border region. The document provided a comprehensive overview of Komárom’s role in facilitating functional urban interactions and highlighted its significance within the broader context of cross-border metropolitan areas. It outlined potential avenues for deeper cross-border integration and cooperation, underscoring the opportunities for bolstering ties between Slovakia and Hungary. Furthermore, the material shed light on the historical and contemporary dynamics shaping Komárom’s cross-border relations, emphasising the strategic importance of legal accessibility initiatives in bridging the gaps between the two sides of the border.